Spread from South Tyrolean buckwheat

15 Min
5 Min
100 ml water
salt, pepper, soup spice
15 g buckwheat flour, finely ground
70 g low-fat curd cheese
30 g mascarpone
2 tbsp chopped garden herbs: chives, chervil, parsley, etc.
1 tbsp buckwheat grains, dry-roasted
Boil the water with the spices, add the buckwheat flour and cook for 2 - 3 minutes. Remove from heat, cover and allow to cool. Mix with low-fat curd cheese and mascarpone to a creamy mass and refine with the herbs and buckwheat grains. Allow to cool well before serving.

Our tip:
Tastes excellent as a spread or butter substitute in the hot season.
Recipe by: CornArt