Playgrounds in Schnalstal Valley

For playing, running about and generally having fun

Families holidaying in Schnalstal Valley will find a lovingly built children’s playground in each of the villages of Monte S. Caterina/Katharinaberg, Certosa/Karthaus, Madonna di Senales/Unser Frau and Maso Corto/Kurzras. Two of the playgrounds are small and simple, the other two are larger and more diverse - with lots of space for swaying, see-sawing, sliding and swinging. There is a climbing castle in Madonna di Senales/Unser Frau waiting to be used and in Certosa/Karthaus the open barbeque can be used to rustle up a tasty meal. While the parents have found a pleasant spot to bask in the sun, the children can run about in the play areas.

All children's playgrounds are easily and conveniently accessible by public SAD bus. There are also public parking spaces in the immediate vicinity of the playgrounds.