Palmier (Pig's ears or Palm hearts)

Delicious caramelised puff pastry

10 Min
15 Min
For 30 pieces

500 g puff pastry
200 g sugar
Roll out the cold puff pastry thinly with a rolling pin. Then spread 2/3 of the sugar thinly on the pastry. Roll up from the two long sides to the middle. Press down a little and now cut the pastry into ½-centimetre-thick slices.
Turn in the remaining sugar on both sides and spread on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
Preheat the oven to 200° hot air and bake the pig's ears for about 5-7 minutes on one side.
Use a cake palette to turn the palmiers over one by one and bake for a further 5-7 minutes so that the second side is also nicely caramel brown.

TIP: You can use the palmiers as a beautiful and delicious decoration for your favourite ice cream.
Recipe by: Tourist office Partschins/Parcines