Fochaz - the Easter & All Saints Pastry

On Easter and All Saints' Day the children enjoy a tasty "Fochaz"

15 Min
20 Min
At Easter and All Saints' Day the sponsored children are given a special yeast pastry by their godparents (Teit/Touta).
The "Fochaz" is a wheat bread similar to the yeast plait.
It is a custom that the girls receive it in the form of a hen, the boys in the form of a hare. The hens and rabbits are now also available in bakeries.
Many are still home-baked today.

For 1 hen or rabbit (4 persons)

300 g wheat flour type 00
50 g sugar
150 ml milk
20 g fresh yeast (Germ)
2 egg yolks
50 g soft butter
1 handful of chopped almonds
Abrasion of 1 lemon