
Meran beWegt: International Mindfulness Day - Messagges from nature

International Mindfulness Day - Seeds of mindfulness in and for Merano

You are very welcome to explore our wonderful city of Merano in a completely new way. In connection with yourself and nature. In cooperation with Yoga Shiatsu Zentrum Meran we are looking forward to an inspiring afternoon. You can choose if to participate in the whole programme or just single offers.

We wish you great joy!

Messagges from nature
Nature is endlessly wise and a good counselor. Take contact with a natural object that spontaneously inspires you, feel and listen what it has to tell. After that we’ll meet in a circle and share the rich messages from nature. Please bring a pen and paper.

Speaker: Martina De Rosi.

Meeting point: Yoga Shiatsu Zentrum Meran, Ortensteingasse 4 at 4.15 p.m.

Participation is free of charge.