Spring water from Nals and sustainable waste management
What our heart beats for
Spring water from Nals and sustainable waste management

Spring water from Nals and sustainable waste management

What our heart beats for

Quality without sustainability is no longer really quality. In South Tyrol, we are trying to follow a path that ensures that people and nature go hand in hand. In tourism and agriculture, but also in mobility, crafts and industry.

Nals has excellent drinking water. The Nals spring water is suitable for cooking, drinking and also for babies. The two springs are located in the mountains above Nals/Nalles, the water springs at 7 degrees Celsius and is collected in modern spring taps. Regular checks by the Provincial Agency for the Environment and Climate Protection confirm the impeccable quality.
The water comes fresh from the tap in your accommodation and from all the wells in the village. You can find from Nals- and many other drinking water fountains in South Tyrol at www.refill.bz.it to fill up your bottle.

South Tyrol's nature is very important to us. This also means that we all separate our rubbish. There are no yellow bags/bins in South Tyrol. We have to take the separated waste personally to the recycling centre, where it is STRICTLY CONTROLLED.
Please also separate waste during your holiday:
Plastic BOTTLES (all other plastic, yoghurt pots, foils etc. are residual waste)
Cans and aluminium
Organic waste (all cooked & raw food, kitchen paper & waste, fruit & vegetable scraps, tea bags, coffee filters)
Residual waste

Even the restaurants work with regional and seasonal ingredients. They value products from the local area in order to reduce transportation routes - without losing any of their creativity. There are also initiatives in South Tyrolean agriculture, businesses and vacation accommodation to link South Tyrolean-style quality to the principle of sustainability.

Sustainability label for accommodation

From waste avoidance and barrier-free hotel areas to construction methods that conserve raw materials: Three different levels show how extensive and far-reaching these measures are implemented by accommodation and catering establishments. The third and highest level is “GSTC-recognized” and therefore internationally recognized. Find out more here.

Only together can we protect our precious nature.