archeoParc Schnalstal Valley

archeoParc Schnalstal Valley

Discover Ötzi’s habitat

In the archaeological open-air museum at Madonna di Senales/Unser Frau everything revolves around Ötzi, the Iceman. Visitors will learn how and where Ötzi was found in 1991 and how he and his contemporaries lived 5,300 years ago. Particular highlights of the exhibitions are the original replicas of stone-age houses (free-air area) and of Ötzis' clothes, weapons and tools (indoor). The tour takes about one hour (Parcours 1). Demonstrations of the stone-time fire beating at the full hour. Families and friends of old craftsmanship techniques should definitely make time here for the visitor workshop as well as pass by the archery stand and the Einbaum-Steg. ( Course 1-3, three-four hours).