Tentoonstelling markt ruilbeurs
LanaPhil is de bekendste en belangrijkste markt voor verzamelaars en liefhebbers van postzegels. In de afgelopen jaren is deze beurs uitgegroeid tot een heus internationaal platform voor filatelisten uit heel Europa.

Op LanaPhil worden een heleboel andere interessante voorwerpen tentoongesteld, verkocht en geruild: militaire spullen, bankbiljetten, oude postkaarten, historische en originele aandelen en obligaties, maar ook muntstukken en postzegels uit verscheidene Europese landen van de afgelopen 20 jaar.

Een van de meest in het oog springende voorwerpen is de gepersonaliseerde uitgave van een postzegel met de afbeelding van het retabel van Hans Schnatterpeck dat in de parochiekerk van Niederlana/Lana di Sotto staat.
Music festival of the Foiana orchestra
zaterdag 10 aug
17:00 - 01:00
Music festival of the Foiana orchestra "Bauernkapelle Völlan"
Music festival of the Foiana orchestra "Bauernkapelle Völlan", Vereinshaus Völlan Sat. 10.08: Entertainment with the Holla Duo. Sun. 11.08: Entertainment with the band Oberwind. Fun and games for the ...
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Music festival with the music band
zaterdag 10 aug
18:00 - 23:00
Music festival with the music band "Musikkapelle Tscherms"
Music festival with the music band "Musikkapelle Tscherms", Saturday from 18.00 and Sunday morning pint from 10.00, leisure area Tscherms.
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Guided hiking tour
dinsdag 13 aug
08:50 - 17:00
Guided hiking tour "Mendelpass - Überetscher Hütte"
From the Mendel Pass we hike in beautiful woodland up to the Halbweg Hut and on to the beautifully situated Romeno Alp, also called the Roèn Alp, and on to the Überetscher Hut with a view of the ...
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Kneipp treatments (Wild herbs, medicinal plant knowledge & well-being)
dinsdag 13 aug
16:00 - 18:00
Kneipp treatments (Wild herbs, medicinal plant knowledge & well-being)
The Kneipp and health trainer Annemarie Santer Nock invites you to the Vettererhof and reveals the five principles of Sebastian Kneipp. You will learn how you can contribute to a better attitude to ...
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Little gardeners big time (Children's Summer)
woensdag 14 aug
10:00 - 12:00
Little gardeners big time (Children's Summer)
During a short guided tour through the nursery, you will get to know the diverse work of the gardeners. You will discover how to plant cuttings, sow seeds correctly depending on the season, prick out ...
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Guided tour through the apple meadows in Lana - in Italian language
woensdag 14 aug
15:30 - 17:30
Guided tour through the apple meadows in Lana - in Italian language
Guided tour through the apple meadows in Lana (with reservation). Our farmer will guide you through their fields, explains you about the healthy ingredients, the production area and about all sorts ...
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The wonderful world of bees (children's summer)
donderdag 15 aug
10:00 - 12:00
The wonderful world of bees (children's summer)
What is life like in a beehive? How does the queen differ from the worker bees? How is bee honey produced? What does the work of a beekeeper look like? The Kammerhof displays a collection of old ...
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Church festival in Lana di Niederlana
donderdag 15 aug
10:00 - 12:00
Church festival in Lana di Niederlana
Church festival in Lana di Sotto/Niederlana, procession at 9.00
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«12345» 40 Einträge auf 5 Seiten, Angezeigte Einträge 33-40