Kneippen in het Passeiertal
Gezond en fit met Kneipp
Kneippen in het Passeiertal

Kneippen in het Passeiertal

Gezond en fit met Kneipp

Meer dan 150 jaar geleden ontwikkelde dominee Sebastian Kneipp een therapie die gebaseerd is op een samenspel van water, voeding, beweging, kruiden en innerlijk evenwicht. De effectiviteit van de Kneipp-therapie is al lang wetenschappelijk bewezen. Water is heilzaam: deze kennis ligt ten grondslag aan de Kneipp-wandelingen die in het Passeiertal worden aangeboden. Tijdens een wandeling langs de ‘Saltauser Waalweg’ met gezondheidscoach Katy Hofer ervaart u de verkwikkende werking van het water. Tegelijkertijd ervaart u waarom een koud oogbad het zicht kan verbeteren en waarom de ‘Kneipp’sche Espresso’ – een koud armbad (het dompelen van de armen in koud water) – de ideale vervanging is voor een bakje koffie in de ochtend.
Farms up close: Exciting tours
donderdag 08 aug
St. Martin/S. Martino
10:15 - 15:00
Farms up close: Exciting tours
Did you know that the Obergereuthof is one of the oldest farms in the Passeiertal Valley and also one of the famous "Schildhöfe"? No? Then let yourself be taken on a guided tour of the Obergereuthof ...
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Music & Delight
donderdag 08 aug
St. Martin in Passeier/S. Martino in Passiria
20:30 - 22:00
Music & Delight
Our events combines music and enjoyment in the village centre. Visitors can also expect a tasting of alpine and mediterranean delicacies during a traditional concert by our local music bands.
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vrijdag 09 aug
St. Leonhard/S. Leonardo, center
19:00 - 23:30
"Psairer Fraitige" · civil defence
Traditional long evenings from July 26th to August 16th in the village center of St. Leonhard/S. Leonardo. Various groups perform music and entertain people of all ages until late. Different ...
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Experience Hinterpasseier
zondag 11 aug
Moos in P. /Moso in Passiria
11:00 - 16:00
Experience Hinterpasseier
This is the motto of the Sunday morning pubs that are held in all parts of Hinterpasseier. Both customs and culture are to be brought closer to the visitors.
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Guided crossing of the Spronser Lakes
dinsdag 13 aug
Pfelders/Plan, Spronser Lakes
07:40 - 19:00
Guided crossing of the Spronser Lakes
Hike to South Tyrol's largest mountain lake landscape in an incredibly fascinating and unique mountain world. We take the public bus to Pfelders/Plan. Our hike begins in the idyllic mountain village ...
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Tyrolean evening
woensdag 14 aug
Saltaus in Passeier/Saltusio in Passiria
20:30 - 22:00
Tyrolean evening
Our events is entirely dedicated to the Tyrolean sounds of our local music bands. In addition, visitors can also expect performances by our local Bavarian folk dance and folk dance groups on some ...
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Summit Tour · Alpenspitze
donderdag 15 aug
St. Leonhard, Walten/S. Leonardo, Valtina
08:30 - 17:00
Summit Tour · Alpenspitze
Approach to Walten/Valtina as far as the parking space in Wans/Vannes. Ascent through the Wansertal Valley to the Wanser Joch and on to the summit. The descent follows the trail through the Sailertal ...
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donderdag 15 aug
St. Leonhard in Passeier/S. Leonardo in Passiria
18:00 - 22:00
"Liertner Dorfmarktl" · Village market
With the Village market the village bridge is transformed into a culinary and artisanal treasure trove and invites you to discover, enjoy and taste. Several producers from the Passeiertal Valley ...
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«1234567» 50 Einträge auf 7 Seiten, Angezeigte Einträge 41-48
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