Vanilla Crescent Cookies Vanilla Crescent Cookies Vanilla Crescent Cookies Vanilla Crescent Cookies

Vanilla Crescent Cookies

The scent of vanilla! The classic Christmas biscuit...

75 Min
10 Min
Ingredients (makes approx. 60 pieces)

320 g wheat flour,
60 g finely grated almonds,
50 g finely grated hazelnuts,
120 g sugar,
2 eggs,
270 g butter,
1 pinch of salt

To roll
some icing sugar and 5 sachet vanilla sugar
Place wheat flour on a work surface and add almonds, hazelnuts, sugar and eggs. Mix with the butter cut into cubes, add salt and make a smooth dough, then form a roll from it. Leave to rest in the fridge for 1 hour. Form balls from the dough, then them into small rolls and shape into croissants. Place on a baking tray and bake until light brown. Roll the cookies while still warm in the icing sugar-vanilla sugar mixture.

Oven temperature: 200 degrees for approx. 10 minutes.
Recipe by: Janett Platino - Restaurant Bad Egart - Onkel Taa
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