Pickled dandelion capers Pickled dandelion capers Pickled dandelion capers

Pickled dandelion capers

A great & healthy addition to any antipasto

15 Min
5 Min
For 1 jar

2 handfuls of green, closed dandelion buds
1 tsp salt
100 ml apple vinegar
100 ml water
Wash the dandelion buds well and pat dry. Bring the apple vinegar and water to the boil in a pot and simmer the buds briefly.
Remove and place in a preserving jar, fill with hot stock and close tightly.
Store in a dark and cool place for 2 weeks to develop the best flavour.

TIP: Use like normal capers, e.g. to season "vitello tonnato", or simply enjoy on toasted bread with olive oil.
Recipe by: Janett Platino - Restaurant Bad Egart / Onkel Taa
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