Region Lana

Im Urlaub zuhause nahe Meran

 Zuhause ist, wo man sich wohlfühlt – und das wirst du dich in Lana und Umgebung ganz bestimmt. Die Region im Etschtal verbindet all das, was aus kleinen Momenten die größten Erinnerungen macht. Alpin und mediterran, ländlich und urban, Wander- und Radwege, Berg und Tal. Der autofreie Hausberg Vigiljoch ist per Seilbahn in wenigen Minuten erreichbar und Familien, Aktivliebhaber, Ruhesucher und Genießer finden in Lana ein vielfältiges Freizeit- und Kulturangebot, stille Natur, belebte Dorfgassen und Genusslokale von der Almhütte bis zum Sternerestaurant. 
 Lana verbindet: Vielleicht auch bald dich und uns?
Urlaub und Heimat.
Lana, Tscherms, Burgstall und Gargazon.
Genuss und Erlebnisse.
Berg und Tal.
Wo Dorfgemeinschaften lebendig sind, wo Brauchtum und Moderne nebeneinander existieren und wo Menschen in Einklang mit der Natur leben, dort will man sein.

Wir heißen dich in der alpin-mediterranen Region Lana herzlich willkommen. Ob alleine, zu zweit, mit Familie oder Freunden: Hier kannst du Genussmomente mit deinen Liebsten teilen, Freiheit spüren und Sehnsüchte stillen, Bräuche und Menschen kennenlernen, Neues fühlen, im Urlaub und zugleich zuhause sein.
Aktuelle Story & Highlight
Aktuelle Story & Highlight
Plane jetzt unverbindlich deinen Traumurlaub
Folge uns! vor 4 Tagen

Early summer is hiking time – so put on your hiking boots and let's go! 🥾 Whether leisurely or challenging, with the family or just for yourself, the hiking paradise of Mount @vigiljoch1912 awaits you!

#lanaconnects #lanaverbindet #lanaunisce #lanaregion #meetmerano #visitsouthtyrol #ilikeitaly #hiking #hikingsummer #summerinthemountains

0 vor 6 Tagen

Sweet dreams are made... in Lana! 😋 Whether it's fresh bread from the bakery, an elaborate cake or a delicious pie, the bakeries and patisseries in the Lana region are looking forward to spoiling your taste buds. Discover the variety of flavours in our region and get yourself a piece of Lana for breakfast.

📍 @mein.beck

#lanaconnects #lanaverbindet #lanaunisce #lanaregion #meetmerano #visitsouthtyrol #ilikeitaly #bakery #meinbeck

0 vor 7 Tagen

The @vigiljoch1912 cable car takes you from Lana up to over 1,400 metres in altitude every 30 minutes – from 1st July every day from 8.00 am to 7.00 pm. ⛰️ You can find the timetable, prices and other tips and information about the Vigiljoch on their website.


#lanaconnects #lanaverbindet #lanaunisce #lanaregion #meetmerano #visitsouthtyrol #ilikeitaly #vigiljoch #montesanvigilio

0 vor 11 Tagen

On the third Sunday after Pentecost, the night sky across the country is lit up by a multitude of mountain fires – it's Sacred Heart Night. 🔥 This custom dates back to the end of the 18th century, when Napoleon's army stood in front of the Alps, ready to take over the entire region. Due to the imminent threat of war, the Tyrolean parliament of the time decided to entrust the land to the "Sacred Heart of Jesus" in order to receive divine assistance. When Andreas Hofer's troops were victorious a short time later, Sacred Heart Sunday became a public holiday throughout Tyrol.

To this day, this custom has been preserved in all parts of Tyrol – also here in South Tyrol. This Sunday is the day: Don't miss out on this unique piece of Alpine tradition and take a look at the surrounding area during the night. ✨

👉 And for all those who would like to experience this tradition up close, there's a special event on Mount Vigiljoch: a cosy get-together at the fireplace from 8.00 pm with a snack followed by the lighting of the fire near the St. Vigilius Church with a devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

© @maikewittreck

#lanaconnects #lanaverbindet #lanaunisce #lanaregion #meetmerano #visitsouthtyrol #ilikeitaly #herzjesu

0 vor 14 Tagen

A path that starts right in the centre of Lana, past rugged rock walls and along the roaring course of the Falschauer river leads you to a special place, far away from the noise and hustle and bustle. Here in the Gaulschlucht Gorge, nature lovers of all ages will find a very special oasis of peace. 🌿

#lanaconnects #lanaverbindet #lanaunisce #lanaregion #meetmerano #visitsouthtyrol #ilikeitaly #gaulschlucht #lana

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