2/28/2025 10:00 - 13:15 | + more dates

Sissi Tours - Gourmet Walk through Meran

Guided enogastronomic and culture walk through Meran. Price:€49 (online booking), €54. In English on demand. Registration required: tel. +39 0473 424344.

On this guided culinary culture walk, you will learn first-hand background knowledge about the region and its people and taste special local specialities. Price: € 49.00 (online booking) or € 54.00.

Optionally, at the end of the Gourmet Walk, you can have lunch with star chef Andrea Fenoglio in the Sissi restaurant at a special friendly price of € 45.00 (except on 14/02/2025 and 28/02/2025).
2/28 - 3/28/2025 10:00 - 13:15
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