The Passeiertal Valley

A holiday in one of the most varied valleys of South Tyrol

The Passeiertal Valley, birthplace of the Tyrolean national hero Andreas Hofer, is one of the most unspoiled and scenically diverse valleys in South Tyrol. Located north of Meran/Merano, the valley winds upwards to the Jaufenpass pass, along an ancient trading route. In the lower part of the valley, between Riffian/Rifiano-Kuens/Caines, St. Martin/S. Martino and the main town of St. Leonhard/S.Leonardo, holidaymakers will find a gentle, expansive valley landscape with Mediterranean flair and top-class hotels. In the upper part of the valley, between Moos/Moso, Stuls/Stulles, Rabenstein/Corvara, Platt/Plata and “soft mobility” Pfelders/Plan, the high alpine landscape rises proudly, offering breath-taking views into the mountains. Protected on its north side, with 300 days of sunshine every year and fascinating climatic contrasts, the Passeiertal Valley is a top destination for athletes, families, gourmets and those seeking rest and relaxation.
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passeiertal_valpassiria passeiertal_valpassiria Yesterday

The Passeier Almabtrieb/Cattle Drive: Experience tradition up close!

The cows are returning from their summer pastures to the stables 🐄🌄. Join us on September 21st, when over a hundred decorated animals will arrive in Pfelders! 🎉 With the festive cattle drive, herders, locals, and guests celebrate the successful grazing season 🐂. Look forward to music 🎶, local delicacies 🍽️, the Psairer Goaslschnöller, Ranggeln, and a farmers' market 🧑‍🌾. We expect the cows to arrive in the village at around 12 PM – will you be there? ⏰😊

Attention: To ensure a smooth journey, there will be additional buses 🚌 on line 240. They depart at:

Departure from Merano: 08:54 | 09:24 | 13:09 | 14:09 ⏳

📸 Kassian Plangger

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Passeiertal-Val Passiria Passeiertal-Val Passiria Yesterday
Passeiertal-Val Passiria

Der Passeirer Almabtrieb: Tradition hautnah erleben!

Die Kühe kehren nach ihrer Sommerfrische auf den Almen zurück in die Ställe 🐄🌄. Sei dabei, wenn am 21. September über hundert geschmückte Tiere nach Pfelders kommen! 🎉 Mit dem feierlichen Almabtrieb feiern Hirten, Einheimische und Gäste, dass die Weidesaison gut verlaufen ist 🐂. Freut Euch auf Musik 🎶, regionale Köstlichkeiten 🍽️, die Psairer Goaslschnöller, Ranggeln und einen Markt der Bäuerinnen 🧑‍🌾. Wir erwarten die Kühe um 12 Uhr im Dorf – kommt Ihr auch? ⏰😊

Achtung: Damit Ihr gut anreisen könnt, gibt es zusätzliche Busse 🚌 auf der Linie 240. Diese fahren um:

Abfahrt in Meran um 08:54 | 09:24 | 13:09 | 14:09 Uhr ⏳

Freust du dich auf das Event?


La transumanza della Val Passiria: Vivi la tradizione da vicino!

Le mucche tornano dalle loro vacanze estive sugli alpeggi nelle stalle 🐄🌄. Partecipa anche tu il 21 settembre, quando più di cento animali adornati arriveranno a Pfelders! 🎉 Con la festosa transumanza, pastori, abitanti e ospiti celebrano il buon esito della stagione del pascolo 🐂. Aspettati musica 🎶, specialità locali 🍽️, i Psairer Goaslschnöller, il Ranggeln e un mercato delle contadine 🧑‍🌾. Le mucche arriveranno in paese verso le 12 – ci sarai anche tu? ⏰😊

Attenzione: per garantirti un buon viaggio, ci saranno autobus aggiuntivi 🚌 sulla linea 240. Gli orari di partenza da Merano sono:

Partenze da Merano: 08:54 | 09:24 | 13:09 | 14:09 ⏳

Non vedi l'ora di partecipare all'evento?

👋 Grauviehjungzüchter Passeier
👋 Ranggelverein Passeier

📸 Kassian Plangger

passeiertal_valpassiria passeiertal_valpassiria 7 days ago

🚴‍♂️🌄 Cycling in the Passeier Valley – Your Next Adventure on the Passer Dam Trail! 🚴‍♀️✨

Experience an unforgettable bike ride on the beautiful Passer Dam Trail, which starts directly from Merano and leads you into the picturesque scenery of the Passeier Valley. This route is perfect for family outings and leisure cyclists – offering a relaxed ride along the Passer River, surrounded by breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. 🌟

The bike path is ideal for fully enjoying the nature of the Passeier Valley. A special highlight is the numerous viewpoints that invite you to stop and take in the scenery. 🚴‍♂️🌲

Get ready for your next cycling adventure and discover the beauty of the Passeier Valley on two wheels! 🚴‍♀️✨

Plan your tour and share your experiences with us!

#visitpasseiertal #passeiertal #südtirol #visitsüdtirol #altoadige #valpassiria

Passeiertal-Val Passiria Passeiertal-Val Passiria 7 days ago
Passeiertal-Val Passiria

🚴‍♂️🌄 Radfahren im Passeiertal – Dein nächstes Abenteuer auf dem Passerdammweg! 🚴‍♀️✨

Erlebe eine unvergessliche Radtour auf dem wunderschönen Passerdammweg, der direkt von Meran ins malerische Passeiertal führt. Diese Strecke ist ideal für Familienausflüge und Genussradler – sie bietet eine entspannte Fahrt entlang der Passer, gesäumt von beeindruckenden Ausblicken auf die umliegende Bergwelt. 🌟

Der Radweg ist bestens geeignet, um die Natur des Passeiertals in vollen Zügen zu genießen. Ein besonderes Highlight sind die zahlreichen Aussichtspunkte, die zum Verweilen und Staunen einladen. 🚴‍♂️🌲

Mach dich bereit für dein nächstes Radabenteuer und entdecke die Schönheit des Passeiertals auf zwei Rädern! 🚴‍♀️✨

Plan deine Tour und teile deine Erlebnisse mit uns!


🚴‍♂️🌄 Ciclismo in Val Passiria – La tua prossima avventura sulla pista ciclabile del Passirio! 🚴‍♀️✨

Vivi un’indimenticabile escursione in bicicletta sulla bellissima pista ciclabile del Passirio, che parte direttamente da Merano e ti porta nel pittoresco scenario della Val Passiria. Questo percorso è ideale per gite in famiglia e ciclisti amatoriali – offre una pedalata rilassante lungo il fiume Passirio, contornata da viste mozzafiato sulle montagne circostanti. 🌟

La pista ciclabile è perfetta per godersi appieno la natura della Val Passiria. Un punto forte sono i numerosi belvedere, che invitano a fermarsi e ammirare il paesaggio. 🚴‍♂️🌲

Preparati per la tua prossima avventura in bici e scopri la bellezza della Val Passiria su due ruote! 🚴‍♀️✨

Organizza il tuo tour e condividi le tue esperienze con noi!

passeiertal_valpassiria passeiertal_valpassiria 9 days ago

🌿🐄 Enjoy nature with care! Here are 4 tips for a peaceful interaction with grazing animals:

1️⃣ Stay on designated paths: Stick to the trails, and if an animal is in your way, gently detour without disturbing it.
2️⃣ Always keep a safe distance: Give the animals plenty of space—no touching or feeding.
3️⃣ Stay calm and relaxed: Cows can be easily startled, so make your presence known early and remain calm.
4️⃣ Always leash your dog: Protect the animals by keeping your furry friend on a leash at all times.

Let’s work together to ensure a safe and peaceful harmony with the gentle giants of nature! 🌍

Have additional tips or thoughts to share? We’d love to hear from you in the comments! 💬

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