Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000

Your holiday in South Tyrol on the sunny high plateau with a panoramic view of Merano

The holiday and hiking region Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000 is located on the so-called "Tschögglberg" in South Tyrol, an extensive high plateau between Bolzano and Merano. The sun-drenched villages of Hafling and Vöran, as well as the skiing and hiking area of Merano 2000, can be reached in a few minutes from Merano. Endless alpine meadows, larch forests and soothing wideness define the nature around Hafling-Vöran-Merano 2000.
The best choice for your holiday in Meranerland: As a hiking and leisure paradise in the immediate surroundigs of Merano, the village of Hafling (1,250 m above sea level) is a popular holiday and excursion destination for families, hikers, connoisseurs and horse fans. The Haflinger horses have meanwhile become - starting from Hafling - popular leisure horses worldwide. A holiday in Hafling means an active holiday and enjoyment amidst the breathtaking mountain scenery of South Tyrol.
The village of Vöran (1,200 m above sea level) is nestled between forests, wide pastures and striking rock formations and is also an ideal starting point for your holiday in South Tyrol. Sunny and situated high above Merano, the mild climate invites you to take walks and hikes all year round. Nature, culture, rural traditions and special highlights such as the legendary Knottnkino make your holiday in Vöran unique.
The skiing and hiking area of Merano 2000

A real highlight for hikers and skiers is Merano's "sporty" sun terrace. Merano 2000, the skiing and hiking area at the foot of the Ifinger, Merano's local mountain, is known for its large number of activities such as hiking, climbing or paragliding. Connoisseurs will find beautiful mountain inns with sunny terraces. In winter, Merano 2000 is a top skiing area for families, offering around 40 kilometres of slopes, super childcare facilities and child-friendly skiing.
Holiday region Avelengo–Verano–Merano 2000
Hotels and accomodations in Hafling, Vöran and Merano 2000

Hotels with spa resorts, family-run guesthouses, well-kept holiday flats, farm holidays with or without riding holidays: in Hafling, Vöran and Merano 2000 you will find accommodations that meet your preferences for your holidays in South Tyrol.
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#visithafling #visitvoeran
visit.hafling.voeran visit.hafling.voeran 3 days ago

Erlebniswelt Tschögglberg⁠
Fünf Erlebnisparcours versprechen Action, Spiel und Spaß in der Natur. Hier in alfabetischer Reihenfolge:⁠
1️⃣ AVIA Holzfällerweg in Jenesien⁠
2️⃣ Guggnweg in Jenesien⁠
3️⃣ Haflinger Erlebnisweg in Hafling ⁠
4️⃣ Knottnkino³ Rundwanderweg in Vöran⁠
5️⃣ Köfeleweg in Mölten⁠
Welcher ist euer Lieblingsweg?⁠


Un mondo emozionante sull'Altipiano del Salto⁠
Cinque sentieri tematici vi invitano a scoprire la natura con attività e giochi. Eccoli in ordine alfabetico:⁠
1️⃣ AVIA - Il sentiero lengaliuolo a San Genesio⁠
2️⃣ Sentiero escursionistico GUGGN a San Genesio⁠
3️⃣ Sentiero Avventura HAFLINGER ad Avelengo⁠
4️⃣ Sentiero Circolare KNOTTNKINO³ a Verano⁠
5️⃣ Sentiero KÖFELE a Meltina⁠
Quale sentiero vi è piaciuto di più?⁠


Tschögglberg - a world of Adventure⁠
Five themed paths promise action, games and fun in the midst of nature. Find all of them here in alphabetical order:⁠
1️⃣ AVIA Lumberjack train in Jenesien⁠
2️⃣ Guggnweg in Jenesien⁠
3️⃣ Haflinger Aventure Trail in Hafling ⁠
4️⃣ Knottnkino³ Circular Hike in Vöran⁠
5️⃣ Köfeleweg in Mölten⁠
Which one is your favorite?⁠


📸 Gregor Khuen Belasi⁠

visit.hafling.voeran visit.hafling.voeran 6 days ago

"Gute Arbeit!"⁠
... sagt man in Südtirol, wenn man dem Gegenüber viel Erfolg bei der bevorstehenden Arbeit wünscht, wohingegen die Aussage andernorts ein tolles Lob für bereits Geschafftes ist. Unseren fleißigen Wegarbeitern Paul, Karl, Franz und Erich möchten wir beides mit auf den Weg geben: ein großes Lob für das, was sie in der vergangenen Saison geleistet haben und den Wunsch für weiterhin gutes Gelingen - verbunden mit einem großen Dank!🫶⁠


“ Buon lavoro!”⁠
... è quello che si dice in Alto Adige quando si augura successo per il prossimo lavoro, mentre altrove (specialmente in posti germanofoni) è un grande complimento per i risultati già ottenuti. Ai nostri operosi lavoratori Paul, Karl, Franz ed Erich vogliamo rivolgere entrambi: un grande elogio per i risultati ottenuti nella scorsa stagione e l'augurio di un continuo successo - insieme a tanti ringraziamenti! 🫶⁠


‘Good work!’⁠
... is what we say in South Tyrol when we wish the other person good luck with their upcoming work, whereas elsewhere it is a great compliment for what has already been achieved. We would like to give our hard-working path workers Paul, Karl, Franz and Erich both on their way: great praise for what they have achieved in the past season and the wish for continued success - combined with many thanks! 🫶⁠


📸 Benjamin Pfitscher

visit.hafling.voeran visit.hafling.voeran 12 days ago

Warme Farben, goldenes Licht: Das ist der Herbst in den Lärchenwäldern oberhalb von Hafling und Vöran. 💛⁠


Colori caldi, luce dorata: questo è l'autunno nei boschi di larici sopra Avelengo e Verano. 💛⁠


Warm colours, golden light: this is autumn in the larch forests above Hafling and Vöran. 💛⁠


📸 Benjamin Pfitscher

visit.hafling.voeran visit.hafling.voeran 15 days ago

Wohin der Pfad dich auch führt, jeder Schritt ist immer ein Schritt näher zum Ziel - und zu dir selbst. 🏞️⛰️⁠


Ovunque il percorso vi porti, ogni passo è sempre un passo più vicino alla meta e a voi stessi. 🏞️⛰️⁠


Wherever the path takes you, every step is always a step closer to your goal - and to yourself. 🏞️⛰️⁠


📸 Maximilian Egger⁠

visit.hafling.voeran visit.hafling.voeran 18 days ago

Herbst in Hafling und Vöran 🍁🍂⁠
Mit einem Feuerwerk an Farben hat der Herbst seinen großen Auftritt. Prachtvoll und mit warmen Farbtönen schmückt er die Natur mit geradezu verschwenderischer Buntheit. ⁠


Autunno ad Avelengo e Verano 🍁🍂⁠
L'autunno arriva in grande stile con uno spettacolo di colori. Splendido e dalle tonalità calde, adorna la natura con una colorazione quasi sontuosa. ⁠


Autumn in Hafling and Vöran 🍁🍂⁠
Autumn makes its grand entrance with display of colours like a firework. Splendid and with warm hues, it adorns nature with almost lavish colourfulness.⁠


📸 @max.egger

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