Viticulture in Naturno
Versatile and nuanced: red and white wines from South Tyrol
Viticulture in Naturno

Wine from South Tyrol

Versatile and nuanced: red and white wines from South Tyrol

Not only do people appreciate the mild climate in the Merano area, but the weather-sensitive grapes also flourish here, as if in a vast amphitheater surrounding Merano. Wine production in South Tyrol dates back to Roman times - even during the era of the Roman emperors, “raetian wine” was in great demand.

Most of South Tyrol's white and red wines are aged in cooperative cellars, alongside independent winegrowers. Over the past few decades, South Tyrol has seen the development of remarkable instances of modern cellar architecture. In addition to wine sales and tastings, wineries and vineyards in South Tyrol also offer guided tours with fascinating insights into growing areas and grape varieties.

Naturns has a long history of wine cultivation. This is evidenced primarily by the over 80 local self-producers on site many of whom cultivate small vineyards, process the grape harvest into wine themselves, or supply it to wineries. However, it was the commitment to quality by winemakers Franz Pratzner, winery Falkenstein and Martin Aurich, winery Unterortl Juval that made Naturns a destination for wine lovers and experts.

Naturns is notably recognized for its Riesling, considered one of the best south of the Alps. Once a niche product, Riesling cultivation in South Tyrol has firmly established itself over the last twenty years. This is attested not only by the more than 80 hectares of vineyards now under cultivation but also by the regular awards received by local winemakers and cellars in the most important Italian wine guides such as Gambero Rosso, Slow Wine and others.

Every year, Naturns hosts the national Riesling competition. A team of national and international judges selects the top 5 national Rieslings in Italy, alongside the finest Rieslings from each wine region! The jury focuses primarily on the highest quality and typicity.

From mid-October to mid-November, the “Gourmet Autumn” takes place in Naturns. During five weeks, gourmet experiences, wine, and pleasure are the main focus. Visitors and guests can expect an appealing and extensive event program. Look forward to evening tastings with South Tyrolean wineries, visits from winegrowers along the Via Vinum Venostis in Kastelbell, wine tastings focusing on “Wine Region Sicily” with certified sommelier Franziska Steinhauser, or an exclusive gala dinner at one of our partner hotels.

An overview of Riesling in South Tyrol

 Cultivation  The cultivation area for Riesling covers 87 hectares
 Cultivation II  1.6% of the total cultivation area in South Tyrol
 Preffered soils  On slate soils in sunny, airy, and high-altitude location ranging from 550 to 800 meters above the sea level
 Serving temperatures  10°C - 12°C
 Pairs well with   Appetizers, fish and seafood, vegetable dishes

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Meran / Merano Meran / Merano 4 months ago
Meran / Merano

🌼 Cosa c'è di meglio di festeggiare la giornata mondiale dedicata alle famiglie se non farlo tutti insieme ai bellissimi giardini Trauttmansdorff - Die Gärten / I Giardini / The Gardens?
In primavera i Giardini di Castel Trauttmansdorff si presentano nella loro veste più affascinante e variopinta. Partecipando a svariati workshops in compagnia delle guide dei Giardini, i visitatori scopriranno i segreti del mondo delle piante, trasformandosi in veri e propri ricercatori.

😄 Il programma della giornata promozionale di primavera ai Giardini di Castel Trauttmansdorff prevede diverse attività in cui sarà possibile vedere, ascoltare, annusare, capire. Un‘occasione unica, per tutta la famiglia, di sperimentare da vicino la vita delle piante!

📆 26.05

👉🏻 Scopri di più:


🌼 Was gibt es Schöneres, als den Weltfamilientag gemeinsam in den wunderschönen Trauttmansdorff - Die Gärten / I Giardini / The Gardens zu feiern?

😄 Die Gartenführer*innen enthüllen bei verschiedenen Workshops die Geheimnisse der Pflanzenwelt und die Gäste selbst werden zu Forschenden. Der Frühlings-Aktionstag in den Gärten von Schloss Trauttmansdorff bietet ein vielfältiges Programm: sehen, hören, riechen, begreifen. Für die ganze Familie heißt es mitmachen und Pflanzen erleben!

📆 26.05.

👉🏻Mehr erfahren:

📸 Alexander Schechinger

Meran / Merano Meran / Merano 4 months ago
Meran / Merano

🥳 Mancano ormai pochi giorni all'inizio della stagione estiva delle Terme di Merano. Il 15 maggio apre infatti il parco termale, cuore verde di quest'ultimo. All'interno del parco, da poco più di un anno, si trova l'esclusivo Bio Nature Pool, un laghetto innovativo immerso in un contesto di ben 52.000 metri quadrati di pura quiete e relax.

Siete pronti ad immergervi in un'oasi di serenità e benessere, e a vivere momenti rigeneranti e indimenticabili? 🏊‍♂️🌿

Scopri di più:


🥳 Es sind nur noch wenige Tage bis zum Beginn der Sommersaison in der Therme Meran. Am 15. Mai öffnet der Thermenpark, das grüne Herz dieser Oase, seine Pforten. Seit etwas mehr als einem Jahr gibt es im Park den exklusiven Bio Nature Pool, ein innovativer Teich, der auf 52.000 Quadratmetern Ruhe und Entspannung pur bietet.

Seid ihr bereit, in eine Oase der Ruhe und des Wohlbefindens einzutauchen und unvergessliche Momente zu erleben? 🏊‍♂️🌿

👉🏻 Mehr Infos:

📸 Manuel Kottersteger

Meran / Merano Meran / Merano 4 months ago
Meran / Merano


Meran / Merano Meran / Merano 5 months ago
Meran / Merano

Che cos'è il BiodiverCity Tour? 🤔 Si tratta di un tour di 17 tappe caratterizzato da luoghi d'ispirazione, angoli carichi di energia e meravigliosi punti panoramici. Insomma, entrerete in stretto contatto con il lato naturalistico di Merano 🌿🥰

🎧 Come ascoltarlo? Da oggi potete riprodurre l'audioguida direttamente da Spotify

🤩 Non trovate meraviglioso poter scoprire la biodiversità e gli spazi verdi della città individualmente, con i ritmi che preferite?

👉🏻 Maggiori informazioni:
🎧 Ascolta su Spotify:


Die BiodiverCity Tour ist ein echtes Highlight! 😍 Es ist eine Tour mit 17 Etappen, die dich zu inspirierenden Orten, lebendigen Ecken und atemberaubenden Aussichtspunkten führt. Kurzum, du kommst in engen Kontakt mit der naturnahen Seite Merans 🌿🥰

🎧 Ab sofort kannst du den Audioguide direkt auf Spotify anhören und die Tour in deinem eigenen Tempo genießen

🤩 Ist das nicht einfach großartig, die Vielfalt und die grünen Oasen der Stadt ganz individuell zu entdecken?

👉🏻 Mehr Infos:
🎧 Auf Spotify anhören:

📸 IDM Südtirol/Marion Lafogler

Meran / Merano Meran / Merano 5 months ago
Meran / Merano

📸 Simon Koy

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