Events in Hafling - Vöran - Meran 2000
Events in Hafling - Vöran - Meran 2000
Occasionally horses are part of events in Hafling, Vöran and Meran 2000
Traditional and cultural events are held in Hafling, Vöran and Meran 2000

Events in Hafling - Vöran - Meran 2000

Here you will find all the events in Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000. Would you like to attend a rousing concert, learn how to cook dumplings in a cooking workshop or take part in a guided sunrise hike? In Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000 offers a wide range of events and leisure activities all year round. Use the search function to find excursions, gastronomic events, guided tours, music, sporting and cultural events and traditional markets in Hafling-Vöran Meran 2000 and throughout the Merano and environs in South Tyrol.
All events
in Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000
Tschögglberg Cup 2024 - Orienteering
Sunday 20 Oct
Tschögglberg Cup 2024 - Orienteering
A series of promotin runs (time training) with seven stages for children, adults and families.
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