WineCulture of Marlengo
Wine as leading role
WineCulture of Marlengo

WineCulture of Marlengo

Wine as leading role

The village of Marlengo/Marling has long been known for its wines and vineyards. Nestled on the western slopes of the spa town of Merano/Meran, this tranquil, rural village with its historic vineyards has attracted countless wine-lovers over the centuries.

The Merano Winery is situated at the foot of the Marlengo mountain. The impressive new cellar is an architectural landmark and, with a view overlooking the Etschtal Valley, is the ideal setting for wine tastings.

There are also small, independent wineries in Marling, such as the Plonerhof, Popphof, Gruberhof and Pardellerhof, Hillepranterhof and Eichenstein, producing excellent reds and whites. The Marlengo-based Unterthurner Distillery and the distillery Lahnerhof produce high-quality spirits and grappas, utilizing mainly local ingredients.
Wine & Design-Gain insight into the viticulture in the Cantina Merano Winery
Wednesday 19 Feb
15:00 - 17:00
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Wine & Design-Gain insight into the viticulture in the Cantina Merano Winery
Oak, glass and breathtaking views: The Cantina Merano Winery is a must-visit for anyone who loves architecture, design and wine. During a guided cellar tour, visitors can learn how grapes are ...
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Guided tour through the distillery Unterthurner
Wednesday 19 Feb
15:30 - 17:00
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Guided tour through the distillery Unterthurner
Welcome to the Unterthurner Distillery, one of the oldest distilleries in South Tyrol – renowned for its artisanal perfection and the distinctive character of its fine distillates. Experience ...
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The fascination of wine: wine cellar tour at the Plonerhof winery
Thursday 20 Feb
Nörderstraße/Via Tramontana 29, Marling
15:00 - 16:30
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The fascination of wine: wine cellar tour at the Plonerhof winery
The Plonerhof winery in Marling invites you to an exclusive wine tasting and cellar tour every Thursday at 3:00 PM, year-round (except during harvest). Experience how passion and expertise create ...
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Guided wine cellar tour at the Winery Gruberhof
Friday 07 Mar
16:00 - 18:00
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Guided wine cellar tour at the Winery Gruberhof
From March to the end of October, the biological Gruberhof winery in Marling invites you to guided tours of the wine cellar every Friday at 4:00 PM. Discover the fascinating world of viticulture and ...
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Guided tour through the Rochelehof adventure cellar
Friday 28 Mar
17:00 - 18:30
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Guided tour through the Rochelehof adventure cellar
History, Traditions and Wine Culture During this personal tour with wine connoisseur and host Walter, you'll gain fascinating insights into the history and traditions of winemaking in the ...
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Wine tasting at the Popphof winery
Tuesday 01 Apr
16:30 - 18:30
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Wine tasting at the Popphof winery
Discover the characterful wines of Popphof winery every Tuesday at 4:30 PM from April to the end of August during an exclusive wine tasting with winemaker Katharina. At the historic Popphof in ...
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OUR WORLD OF WINE-Wine cellar tour and tasting at the Hillepranter winery
Thursday 03 Apr
17:30 - 19:30
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OUR WORLD OF WINE-Wine cellar tour and tasting at the Hillepranter winery
From April to the beginning of November, young winemaker Lukas from the Hillepranterhof invites you to enjoy his exquisite wines every Thursday at 5:30 pm. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world ...
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Pleasure trail through the vineyard and cellar at Pardellerhof
Wednesday 09 Apr
17:00 - 19:00
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Pleasure trail through the vineyard and cellar at Pardellerhof
Aperitivo with small culinary delights and wine whispering Experience a delightful wine tasting every Wednesday from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the Pardellerhof. Stroll through multiple stations, savoring ...
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«12» 9 items on 2 pages, displayed items 1-8
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marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 4 days ago

💖 Happy Valentine's Day! 💖
Today is all about the small, special moments with the people who mean the most to us. Spend the day of love with your loved ones and enjoy it!✨

📸Terzer Armin

#marling #südtirol #meran #valentinstag #marlengo #altoadige #southtyrol #valentinesday #happyvalentinesday #loveisintheair #SouthTyrol

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 6 days ago

🌸 Longing for Spring! 🌸

Finally, the days are getting longer, nature is awakening and everything is turning green and blooming! 🌿 The anticipation of relaxed walks through blooming nature is growing – spring is on its way! ✨

📸Pertoll Damian

#marling #südtirol #meran #wanderlust #frühling #marlengo #altoadige #southtyrol #naturephotography #springday #springawakening

Marling - Marlengo Marling - Marlengo 6 days ago
Marling - Marlengo

📞 112: Die Nummer, die alles verändern kann! 🚑

Manchmal reicht ein Anruf, um Leben zu retten – 112 ist die Nummer, die in ganz Europa funktioniert. Ob beim Spazieren am Marlinger Waalweg oder unterwegs in den Bergen: Diese drei Zahlen sind euer sicherster Begleiter.

💡 Schon gewusst? Der (heutige) Internationale Tag des Notrufes wurde ins Leben gerufen, um mehr Bewusstsein für die 112 zu schaffen.

👉 Merkt euch die 112 und teilt diesen Post, damit möglichst viele Bescheid wissen!

Marling - Marlengo Marling - Marlengo 10 days ago
Marling - Marlengo

🌸☀️🍂❄️ Marling – Ein Ort für alle Jahreszeiten!

Egal, ob ihr das frische Frühlingserwachen, die sonnigen Sommertage, die goldenen Herbstmomente oder die stille Winteridylle liebt – Marling begeistert das ganze Jahr über mit seiner Landschaft und Ruhe.

🌿 Im Frühling erwacht die Natur, und die Apfelblüte taucht die Landschaft in ein Blütenmeer.
☀️ Im Sommer genießt ihr sonnige Wandertage, Weinverkostungen und entspannte Stunden am Pool.
🍷 Der Herbst bringt bunte Weinberge, Törggelen und gemütliche Genussmomente.
❄️ Und im Winter? Stille Spaziergänge, Schneepanoramen und die Vorfreude auf den Frühling.

Wann ist eure liebste Zeit in Marling? 💬✨

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