Art & Nature
Art & Nature

A cultural project, Art & Nature was completed in 2015 and 2016 in the context of the Merano Spring festival. It was conceived and supported by the Municipality of Meran/Merano, while Kunst Meran – Merano Arte, the Merano Tourist Office, the MGM (Marketinggesellschaft Meran) and other partners were in charge of the project’s overall concept and organization.

The main aim of Art & Nature was to set natural sites in Meran’s urban setting (and in the neighboring localities) and artworks in relation to each other. Many of the temporary or permanent artworks created for the two-year project are still on display.

In 2015, Canadian art critic and landscape curator John K. Grande–a prolific author of books and articles about land art–was appointed as the project’s curator. In 2016, its title was changed to Walking with Senses; it was curated by BAU, an artist group founded in 2015 by Simone Mair, Lisa Mazza, and Filipa Ramos (since 2017, Mair and Mazza are in charge of its activities).
Here are the other works of art: