What does strolling mean?
Strolling is defined as moving on foot at a constant speed of about 4 km per hour, corresponding to about 5,000 steps with an average stride of 70-75 cm.

The physical benefits are that the amount of fat in our bodies is reduced significantly. A study conducted at the Children's Hospital of the University of Verona and published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism shows that strolling is the optimal way to lose fat. You burn twice as much fat in the same amount of time as while walking (6 km per hour). It has been shown that the faster you go, the more calories you burn, but that the source of energy used changes depending on the type of exercise — the greater the effort, the greater the use of carbohydrates. As the intensity of exercise decreases, the body draws less and less from carbohydrates, preferring the energy stored in fat deposits.

In practice, it has been shown that an overweight 70 kg person walking for 40 minutes at 4 km per hour burns 150 calories and 6 grams of fat. However, if the same person walks at 6 km per hour, you burn the same number of calories in the shorter time of 27 minutes, but the fat consumed is reduced to only 3 grams.

It is advisable to walk for half an hour every day to maintain one's ideal weight and avoid long periods of rest, as the enzymes responsible for burning fat deactivate after 3 hours of inactivity.